Things to Know On How To Increase Samsung Galaxy S6 Battery Life
In this article you will learn about tips in prolonging the battery life of your Galaxy S6. this can also be applied on S6 Edge. A lot of people have been concerned that the smaller battery in the S6 is going to cause them a problem.
Now, battery life is a very subjective thing, everybody uses their devices differently for different levels of time doing different types of task so it’s not always easy to kind of draw a definitive from this necessarily.
But what we can do is to discuss what you can do to save battery life and the things that impact on your battery during a day to day operation. So, continue reading until the end of this article to learn how to increase Samsung Galaxy S6 battery life.
Now one of the first things to always be aware of is what options your actual Android operating system has and specifically from the Galaxy S6 to save you battery life.
So some of the things you can kind of do is if you come into battery:
- You can go in to battery.
- Hit the right option.
Then you can see how much battery you have, how much battery you have left and then you’ve got a couple of options here. See the image below.
Battery Options
Now power saving mode will eke out some additional battery, essentially by lowering the brightness of the screen, the CPU, turning off things like vibration, the touch lights and so on, basically anything kind of unnecessary that you don’t need just to use the device, the optional extras, the bells and whistles effectively can be turned off.
Now you can set that to come on it any point you want or immediately, so run it all the time. I tend to leave mine at 20% give me an additional 10% battery power once we get to that point so it hits 20% and realistically once it goes into this lower power mode I have around 30% of the battery left.
Ultra-Power Saving Mode
The other option is ultra-power saving mode. Now this one turns off basically the entire Android operating system, other than a basic overlay that provides access to your phone, your text messages, and basic functionality.
This really does turn your smartphone back into a dumbphone for all intents and purposes but in doing so, you will dramatically increase the battery life.
But let’s talk about the things that really impact the battery because it might not always seem quite so obvious. For instance, you’ll be aware that running the screen, actually having the screen turned on is probably the biggest single drain you will have on a smart device.
But also it goes a little bit further than that because depending on what your device is doing, so for instance if you’re playing a game, you’re running the CPU and the screen simultaneously and that is going to decrease the battery life.
But likewise if you happen to be playing that game multi-player you’re also running the wifi on your cell at the same time. Again you’ve added to that battery drain.
But there’s something you might not be aware of. If you happen to have a weak wifi signal or even a weak cell signal your device will use more power to maintain a signal lock. Now what does this mean?
Weak Wifi Signal Can Drain Your Battery Fast
Well, in real terms, if you say you only have one or two bars of cell, or one or two bars of wifi the phone will use more power thinking it needs a stronger signal and in doing so it would drain the battery more.
You can know this and you’ll have experienced it yourself because if you’ve ever been in the countryside with just one bar you might have thought, hang on, why is my battery running down so quickly, you’ve gone out for the day and it’s only lasted four hours instead of eight.
It hasn’t been an app left on in the background, it’s the fact that your cell has essentially been trying desperately to keep a strong or as strong a signal as it can onto a cell tower and to do so it’s had to boost more power through that transmitter and receiver.
Things to Do To Avoid Weak Wifi Signal From Draining Your Battery Fast
Essentially the best way to try and keep your battery life running as peak performance during the day is to keep one eye on how well your device is connected to wifi and cell. Obviously if it’s sat in your pocket it still needs to be talking to the cell network to receive notifications.
To do that it has to have a strong signal as it perceives it. So if you happen to be in a rural area consider whether you actually need the cell turned on anyway to receive notifications for a couple of hours.
Take some time to walk in the countryside and just disconnect. You’ll find that if you keep one eye on that cell and wifi there and how strong those signals are, especially if you’re someone who moves around a lot between cell sites or between wifi sites say between in a building, or in a town, you might find because you’re constantly connecting and disconnecting from weaker signals that your battery is not lasting as long as it could do.
Check Your Auto- Brightness
What else can we do to kind of help our battery life? Well also always take a look at what your auto brightness is doing. Because in different scenarios you might find that actually the auto brightness is over governing the screen and actually running it hotter than it needs to, effectively draining your battery when it just doesn’t need to.
Again that may mean that you’re running your screen brightness much higher than really does need to be to be comfortable to use the screen but also to preserve battery life.
Things To Know About Location Settings on Your Phone
Your other thing is location. You’ll have heard this many times before but just watch out for what your location settings are actually doing.
Because if you happen to have GPS wifi, AGPS turned on and cell location turned on simultaneously you’re effectively hitting your system with the triple whammy of location hookups.
- What will first happen is it will try and grab a GPS, requiring quite a lot of power.
- It can’t get a GPS because there’s cloud cover and it’s wasted that power and instead it will then switch to wifi.
- Your wifi signal’s not good enough, you’ve wasted some power there.
- So then we’ll switch to cell. And cell, well yes, it will always be able to triangulate using AGPS and WiFi to get you a fix.
- However you’ve just used a ridiculous amount of power in a very short period of time just to find out where you are.
In actual fact you might very well have been better off turning off GPS, turning off wifi and just using the AGPS triangulation from your cell sites.
In most cases that will actually provide a pretty good lock on for what you need and it hasn’t required three attempts to get there each one using progressively less power as it got down the line.
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So there’s a quick and simple and dirty look at things you can do to preserve battery life not just on a Galaxy S6 but actually on any smartphone be that an iPhone or an Android device or even a Microsoft Lumia.
At the end of the day keeping one eye on what the device is actually doing at different points during your journey and your daily routine could help you eke out 10 to 15% more battery just by being little bit proactive. So that all for now about how to increase Samsung Galaxy S6 battery life.
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